Just give us call or send us an email at: simon@hawkeen.com
“Beyond the spring and almost at the head of the canyon was a smooth rock wall.
Pecked into the wall was a collection of petroglyphs made by those that had lived there hundred of years before. One in particular was of special interest. It was a shape of a hand with a spiral cut into the palm.” Quotation from Nelson Zink
It made me curious about that handprint and who made it? What was he like? What were his fears? What skills did he possess? What choices did he have? What would he consider his accomplishments? Was he loved? Respected? Honoured? Just who was that man that made that handprint and what was his world like? Did he make the handprint on purpose for those that were to come later? Was it his way of saying, "I was here, I made a difference. I am an individual” Was it his way of being remembered?
The imagery of the handprint is very powerful. We all want to be remembered, we all want to find our own way to leave our ‘hand print’. This website says, “I am here”. And, “I may be the difference that makes the difference.” Perhaps someone will use something I say or write, or maybe they will just remember it. If so my job is done, it has become my handprint.
You should know that the word hawkeen.com comes from another language and in rough translation means something like ‘person of excellence’. To be Hawkeen is to be in a state of excellence, so it is also a verb. They [Hawkeen] think differently from most people. It can be said that their highest goal is the fulfillment of personal curiosity.
The hawkeen.com usually begin by teaching perception, and perception is full of contradictions. In fact you might say that perception is paradox. Some philosophers claim the world does not exist and that our perception of it is all that exists. Others claim the world does have an independent reality and go about kicking rocks to prove it. So the first paradox is that both views are useful.
While you are awake your attention is something like your finger is always directed somewhere. Knowing that your perception is always somewhere is the first stage to gaining mastery of perception. You can start learning attention by noticing where it is at any particular moment. Attention is of major interest to hawkeen.com.
The second paradox is that sensation and thinking is the same thing. Ordinarily we imagine what we sense and then think those sensations. The test is to try and think anything without seeing, hearing or feeling it.
The hawkeen.com have chosen to collect different worldviews. They have a belief that the more beliefs one has the more choices one has. They can believe anything to the point where it’s the same as believing nothing at all.
They feel that all events and activities are context dependant. They believe that the notions of truth and reality are context dependent and therefore changeable. Outcome is the fuel that drives their energetic lives.
Feelings can be divided into two parts: primary and secondary. A primary feeling might be the warmth you feel from the sun on your face. Secondary feelings are what we call emotions, and emotions are meanings. Primary feeling is the world; secondary feeling is about the world. This is the difference between objective and subjective experience. Yet when people say “You’re not being objective.” They usually mean, “You’re not accepting my subjective experience as reality.”
It is the case that meaning is where most people disagree.
There is no hierarchy or authority within the hawkeen.com except that which is gained through the respect granted to ability. Each partner answers only to himself.

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